Get Social: A Guide to Social Media For Seniors (& the Elderly)

Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, and YouTube: these platforms are no longer slated only for younger generations. As social media use skyrockets through the pandemic and beyond, there’s never been a better time to explore social media for seniors. But how? With so much information available these days — and with technology developing at such a rapid…continue reading

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What Are the 5 Worst Foods for Memory Loss (and Your Brain)?

When we’re younger, we think we’re invincible. We may eat sugary foods and deep-fried delicacies, not realizing that they may be some of the worst foods for memory loss. When we’re older, if we continue to eat these foods, they can take a toll on our bodies. But, how are we supposed to know which…continue reading

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Xanax & the Brain: Can Xanax Cause Memory Loss (For Seniors)?

Xanax-related memory loss and dementia: they often look similar. “But does Xanax cause memory loss?” You might wonder. While Xanax use peaked in 2014 according to a study tracking Xanax use from 2004-2021, knowing whether this popular benzodiazepine drug causes memory loss is key for ensuring the longevity and health of senior populations. If…continue reading

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20 Things to Avoid Saying to a Senior or Someone with Dementia

Words can heal, but can also cause tremendous harm. The saying, “The pen is mightier than the sword,” couldn’t be truer. And when it comes to memory loss, there are more than 20 things you should never say to someone with dementia. What’s more, knowing what’s kind and compassionate — and what’s downright hurtful —…continue reading

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55 Engaging Dementia and Memory Care Activities (For Seniors)

Crossword puzzles, Scrabble, and Sudoku: what do all of these memory care activity ideas have in common? You probably already knew this, but they’re great for our brains! Crosswords, in particular, may even help delay the onset of accelerated dementia decline. If you’re reading this, you’re probably wondering what you can do to better care…continue reading

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Your Go-To Guide for In-Home Dementia Care Costs (2024)

Caring for yourself or a loved one with dementia can be enriching and challenging. Between juggling family, work, and time for yourself, the cost of in-home dementia care can affect all aspects of a person’s life. Yet, with careful planning, support, and expert resources, there’s no reason to worry. With the right village, there’s nothing…continue reading

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Top 15 Best Activities for Seniors with Limited Mobility (2024)

One of the greatest joys of the aging process is savoring a life well-lived. And yet, as seniors pivot into their golden years, activities must be modified — or may be off-limits — for seniors with limited mobility. Many seniors find themselves discouraged by the fact that as they age, they won’t be able to…continue reading

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Understanding the 7 Stages of Dementia (For Families and Seniors)

Stage 6 dementia (and dementia as a whole) can be scary to talk about. The uncertainty of knowing whether you or a loved one forgot or misplaced something  — or are experiencing the first signs of mild cognitive impairment (MCI; more on this later) — is scary. But dementia doesn’t have to be scary. Dementia…continue reading

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What Does a Respite Worker Do (Care, Cost, Duties, and More)?

Caring for an elderly loved one is a noble and worthy endeavor. Yet, long-term care can take a real emotional and physical toll on your body and psyche. Without taking breaks now and then, we can become tired, stressed, or worse yet, depressed and burnt out. And that’s the last thing anyone wants for themselves…continue reading

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The Average Cost of Respite Care: Who Pays, How Much, and More

Caring for the elderly: it’s an amazingly rewarding, yet extremely intense and often stressful responsibility. If you’re anything like the 86% of caregivers who find caring for someone with a loss of mental health abilities (72% for those caring for individuals without a loss of mental abilities) stressful, you’ve probably thought more than once about…continue reading

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